Monday, February 23, 2009

Here is a small view into Quest's first summer camp in Jaragua do Sul, Brazil.

Feel free to click on any of the pictures to enlarge them.

The God-sent staff...

A better view of the staff...

The "treasure map" that Indiana Jones sent the campers in order to find the Sword of the Kingdom, the Word of God...

Quest purchased 10 tents to become our "home away from home" for three weeks during camp season. Even with some rain, we were mostly dry...

Happy campers....

4 Square...a favorite past time.

Worship in song...

What better way to teach the parable of the seeds and soils than by planting seeds in various types of soil.

Skills offered this summer were Arts and Crafts, Archery and Survival.

Those of you who have watched Indy's movies know that he is always running into native tribes. Each cabin group created their own "tribe" and all came down to the lake with torches to the beat of a tribal drum. We ate off of banana leaves and the mosquitos ate off of us!!!

Then there was that RIDICULOUS evening that we would rather forget!!!

Campers were kept busy with games, ping pong, icebreakers and many other activities.

The pools were a COOL diversion in the HOT sun...

The river was a more natural experience. We had so much fun building dams and splashing each other. God's creation is INCREDIBLE!

The food was a success, especially the "Balge" (Ball-gee) as we affectionately called it in Portuguese, which was the surprise night snack delivered to each cabin every evening in a bucket. The chant rose up every night, "Balge, Balge!!!"

The parents joined us on Sunday for a short program and a delicious bar-b-que. They were amazed at the transformation they saw in their kids...God be praised!

Camp Sam is our "leaders-in-training" program. We gave it this name because in the Bible, Samuel was called as a young person to serve God in a powerful way. We want to encourage these youth to do the same in their churches, schools and jobs.

We thank you for your interest in Quest and all that God is doing here in Brazil. We ask for your continued prayers and support in furthering God's kingdom. May God find us all faithful!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Possible "Promised Land" for Quest...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

We are pleased to welcome you all to visit Quest's website...
Thank you for accessing this blogspot. In the future Quest's updates will be posted on a monthly basis on the website. Hope to hear from you there!

Monday, August 13, 2007

“Vocês não me escolheram, mas eu os escolhi para irem e darem fruto, fruto que permaneça, a fim de que o Pai lhes conceda o que pedirem em meu nome.” João 15 16.

My name is Fernando Pieper (Pipa). I am 24 years old and beside me is the beautiful and wonderful wife God has given me, Jordana Pieper. I am an engineering student in Brazil and Jordana is preparing to start university. We have been married 5 months now, and we are very grateful for everything God has done in our lives.

Meu nome á Fernando Pieper ( Pipa ) tenho 24 anos e esta ao meu lado é a linda e maravilhosa esposa que Deus me deu e seu nome é Jordana Pieper. Sou estudante de Engenharia aqui no Brasil e ela está se preparando para entrar na Faculdade. Somos casados a 5 meses, e estamos muito gratos por tudo o que Deus já fez em nossas vidas.

Jordana has been called by God to be a missionary, and because I have been deeply impacted by the camping ministry here in Brazil, I believe that God has called us to use my all our gifts and talents including my engineering, as well as music for His work.

A Jordana tem o chamado de Deus para ser Missionária, e eu fui profundamente impactado pelo ministério de acampamentos aqui no Brasil e Deus me chamou para usar todos os meus talentos tanto os da Engenharia como os da musica para trabalhar na obra dele.

For this reason, we are already indirectly a part of the Quest team and we are waiting for God to let us know the exact timing to officially move to Santa Catarina where Quest will be implemented. We are still leading a youth group in Rio Grande do Sul at this time. Certainly, God has wonderful plans and He will bless this ministry richly.

Por isso juntos hoje indiretamente já fazemos parte do time Quest e estamos esperando que Deus nos diga o tempo certo para oficialmente nos mudar para o estado de SC onde o Quest será implantado. Hoje atuamos como lideres de um Grupo jovem no estado do RS. Certamente Deus tem maravilhas preparadas para estes planos e ele vai abençoar muito tudo isso.

By the mercy and grace of God , we have been chosen to go and produce fruit for His kingdom. We are very happy and dreaming about all that God will do for the people that still desperately need to make a comittment to Jesus.

Pela misericórdia de Deus fomos escolhidos para irmos e dar frutos pelo seu Reino. Estamos felizes e sonhando muito com tudo o que Deus ainda vai fazer por este povo que é muito necessitado de um compromisso com Jesus.

We send you greetings and ask you to send us an email at the address below if you need any information.

Um forte abraço a todos e qualquer imformação favor mande um e-mail para

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Praise God for all that He is doing!!!

We are constantly reminded of God's unfailing love and mercy in our lives. In the past 2 weeks we have had 10 churches extend invitations to Team Quest to share the vision God has placed on our hearts. That is fantastic!

We would love to give your church the opportunity to hear about what God is doing in Brazil. If your church would be interested in someone to speak, or give a 5 minute missionary spotlight, or a youth program we would be happy to come and share our time with you.

If you are interested in opening your home and inviting a few friends over to hear about Quest, please contact us at or to arrange a meeting.

We are excited about the team that God is building up. We invite you to be a part of it, using your God-given gifts and abilities to further His Kingdom.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Introducing Team Quest...
Dwayne & Shannon Klassen with Jaden, Jasper and Jessi

Here are some of Shannon's thoughts on the future of Quest:

Even before I came to Brazil, God had impressed upon my heart a desire to see the suffering stop in lives of the children, and young people in Brazil. And now after more than a year of living here that burden has become even stronger especially after seeing the conditions in which they live in. I'm not just meaning that of poverty in material things such as having a house with a real roof, or enough food to eat, but that of hopelessness. The strong belief that if you don't grow up having wealth you have little to no chance of becoming anything in this world. I believe that God is going to use this Ministry of Quest and this team to rise up and say that we believe that they do have a chance. We believe that with God all things are possible and he wants to transform the lives of these young people, these kids and their families into what he created them for. We all have a purpose, some of us just haven't figured it out yet!!!!

Dwayne will be working in the administration of Quest. He has many years of experience in camping which has and will continue to help build this new camp.

Here is what Dwayne has to say regarding his highlights in Brazil:

I think it would have to be seeing how eager and excited the Brazilians are for God to begin Quest. Everyone who hears the vision God has planted for Quest, Christian and not, is excited and thinks this is a wonderful thing. Most of the people also offer to assist in what ever way they can. We have seen and heard from so many people who heard about Quest and want to be a part of something this important and life impacting.

We knew that it was important for the Brazilians to claim ownership for this ministry to prosper, but what God has done through them blows any doubt out of the water that they won't make this their own. Many of the Brazilians have taken the vision God has given and made it their own.

This has really ecouraged me, personally, to work that much harder at seeing God's vision for Quest fulfilled.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Update on Quest...
Yesterday we received official news from our Canadian lawyer that an agency agreement with Put The Word Into Action is possible and that the paper work may not take too much longer!
Of course, that means that we will be able to legally transfer receipted funds from Canada to Brazil in order to purchase the property in Santa Catarina.
We have also had very positive contacts with Pastor Daniel Port from Jaragua do Sul in Santa Catarina. He is convinced that Quest is just what the region needs. Prostitution and drugs run rampant in the area and teens are in desperate need of Christ. The churches need tools such as an adventure camp in order to reach them. This confirms our calling to that specific region on Brazil. Quest has already been discussed at the regional ministerial meetings and many churches are anticipating partnerships with us. Praise God for His perfect plan in all of this!
Please pray with us regarding:
  • The strengthening of our team through God's power
  • The documentation that needs to happen both in Canada and Brazil
  • The funds still needed to purchase the property in Santa Catarina
  • The many churches interested in developing partnerships with Quest
May God be GLORIFIED!!!